Map of the Best


Flavorful answers to common questions.

What is Map of the Best?

Map of the Best is a curated collection of the world's most distinguished restaurants and bars. We compile information from top award guides to make it easy for you to find the best places to eat and drink, whether you're at home or traveling.

What are the benefits?

The key benefits of Map of the Best include:

Which food award guides are included?

We compile restaurants and bars from the top award guides, including:

How can I improve my search results?

Our powerful filters are the best way to improve the quality of results.

Why isn’t my favorite restaurant listed?

Our selection is based on top food guide recommendations. Some places, despite being good, might not have been recognized by these guides yet. If you have a favorite that’s not listed, let us know — we’re open to suggestions.

Why is a restaurant I don’t like listed?

Even award-winning restaurants may not meet everyone’s standards. Use our filters to sort by ratings and reviews to tailor the results to your preferences. If you believe a place does not meet the quality expected, reach out to us with your concerns.

Can I be an ambassador for my home town?

Absolutely! We’re always on the lookout for local enthusiasts to collaborate with. Visit our Ambassador page if you’re interested in becoming an ambassador for your area.

Still have questions?

We're here to help. For any further questions please contact us.